WeShip is a trademark registered with the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property, its use is exclusive by the owner of the registration rights with the Institute and by the commercial company WeShip, S.A. de C.V. (hereinafter WeShip) legally constituted under the laws applicable in the Mexican Republic, with its conventional address located at Rio Mosa 328 Col del Valle 66220, San Pedro Garza García, Nuevo León, Mexico, and is also the owner and administrator of the website, whose e-mail address is https://weship.com,(en (hereinafter the “Site”), and the other sites or subdomains used by WeShip.
The purpose of the services offered on this site, under the protection of WeShip, is to act as an intermediary in the generation, purchase, tracking and tracking of shipping guides from various courier and parcel companies (hereinafter the “Guides”).
WeShip users will be all those individuals or legal entities registered on our platform, since all users registered on our platforms have the right to purchase and enjoy the guides offered here.
The services provided by WeShip are only available to people with legal capacity to contract, so they should not be used by those who do not have that capacity or by minors or Users who have been temporarily or permanently suspended under the terms established below, recognizing all those users who use and take advantage of the services offered through the WeShip platform who have sufficient legal capacity to be bound by the terms indicated here.
By way of example but not limited to, by subscribing, registering, acquiring, enjoying, using and/or taking advantage of the Guides offered on the WeShip platform, you are agreeing to be bound by the terms and conditions reproduced here (the “Terms”), so that every “user” must read this document in its entirety. If you do not agree with the Terms and Conditions, you will not be able to access the Website or you must immediately suspend your use.
Orders and purchase orders may only be placed by individuals or legal entities registered on our platform, who have a tax address or who live and live within Mexican territory. In order to access the Guides and/or services offered through our platforms, the “User” must confirm that they have read, know and agree to the Terms and Conditions by clicking on “Accept”; otherwise they will not be able to continue using the platform.
WeShip reserves the right to modify these Terms totally or partially from time to time without prior notice, so it is the responsibility of the “User” to periodically review the Website in order to know the current Terms and Conditions. The version of the Terms that will apply to your order will be the one existing on WeShip at the time of purchase.
For the greater security of our users, all individuals or legal entities who wish to use the services provided by WeShip will be required to complete the registration forms requested by the latter, providing the data required of them in a faithful, accurate and authentic manner, assuming the obligation to update Personal Data as necessary. WeShip will have the right to request vouchers and/or personal data and/or documents from those who wish to register to ensure the authenticity of the account, and if anomalies are detected, registration will not be allowed, on the understanding that although WeShip tries by various means to identify its Users, WeShip is not responsible for the certainty of the Personal Data provided by its Users, the latter being solely responsible for guaranteeing and answering for the veracity, accuracy and authenticity of the Data entered.
WeShip reserves the right to admit or reject any request for registration or to temporarily or permanently cancel a previously accepted registration, without being obliged to communicate or state the reasons for its decision.
In the event that any irregularity is detected in the data provided by the user, or that false data has been provided, or that any possible impersonation is detected in the person who is registering, or if it is detected that a user has more than two accounts, or some type of fraudulent action, the account will be canceled and deleted from our system, thus canceling all the guides purchased, without this generating any right to compensation, penalty or compensation in favor of the user, remaining in case of all the information available to the competent authorities is necessary for the relevant investigations to be carried out.
Since the user freely, spontaneously and unilaterally chooses their username and unique password, only the user will be responsible to TeweShip and to third parties for any action and/or responsibility arising from their account, and it is the sole responsibility of the user to keep their access code confidential. User accounts are unique and non-transferable, and in no case should a user have more than one account, and the user must immediately notify WeShip of any unauthorized use of their account.
With the unique password, they can purchase, generate, track and follow up on the guides acquired in any way, and users must keep this password in absolute confidentiality and, under no circumstances, should they disclose or share it with other people, and the user is solely responsible for all acts that take place through the use of their name and password, including being responsible for the payment of any fees that may arise or for the damages that may be suffered by third parties for this reason.
The sale, transfer or transfer of the account by any means is prohibited, and only the registered user can use that account, and it is forbidden for the user to reveal their username and password to third parties, on the understanding that the violation of these obligations will give WeShip the right to remove said user from the system.
In the case of businesses, shops or department stores, WeShip may require additional information to register them, and may, if it so wishes, provide special publication packages in the event that the volume of rent and/or sale does so
The use of the Site by any person gives them the status of User (hereinafter the “User” or “Users”) and thereby accepts the terms and conditions of the Site (hereinafter the “Terms and Conditions”). These Terms and Conditions govern the access and use of the Site by the User and constitute a mandatory online contract between the Company and the User.
As a User, please carefully review the information contained in the Terms and Conditions. All access to and use of the Site is governed by these Terms and Conditions. Access and/or use of this Site indicates that the User has previously and thoroughly reviewed the Terms and Conditions and that he/she has absolutely and unconditionally accepted them. If the User does not accept the Terms and Conditions, he/she must refrain from using the Site. If the User continues to use the Site, such action will be considered as the absolute and unconditional acceptance of the Terms and Conditions, including, but not limited to, the following:
a) That the content displayed on the Site is, unless otherwise indicated, the property of WeShip or a third party that granted authorization for its incorporation into the Site.
b) That for various reasons, such as unforeseeable events and situations, fortuitous cases or force majeure, generalized crashes or failures in computer systems and servers, among others, as well as the malfunction or interruption of any connection or other part of the Internet, may cause access to and transmission of information and messages to and from the Site, errors in the transmission of the same or even the temporary interruption of access to the Site, and that such circumstances are absolutely out of reach and control of WeShip, for which the latter does not assume any responsibility of any nature.
c) That you access the Internet at your own risk and at your sole discretion. Although the necessary measures are taken to safeguard the information of our Users, WeShip is under no circumstances responsible or guarantees the security or integrity of any type of information, whether confidential or not, provided by the User over the Internet.
d) That unless otherwise stipulated between WeShip and the User, access and use of the Site by the User will not constitute, at any time, for the User, a tacit or explicit authorization or license to use the brands, logos registered and/or used in Mexico and/or abroad by WeShip, as well as any right to inventions (patented or not), industrial designs, utility models, trade names, trade notices, reservations of rights, domain names, as well as all types of property rights to works and creations protected by copyright and any type of intellectual property recognized or to be recognized under the respective Mexican and/or foreign laws (hereinafter the “Intellectual Property”) of WeShip.
e) That in order to obtain the Guides, the User must make a prior registration on the Site, such registration will be mandatory so that the User can access them (hereinafter the “Account”).
f) That once the Account has been generated, the User can select the username and password, which will give the User an identity. This password may be modified by the User himself, being responsible for the custody and security of the password, assuming full responsibility for all transactions carried out through his username and password
g) That the User assumes full responsibility for any fraudulent, illegal or illegal activity on the Site through their Account.
h) That the User assumes full responsibility for their Account, and they also accept that they may not lend, transfer, sell, assign part or all of their Account.
i) That all the information provided by the User to the Site through the registration procedure will be authentic.
j) That the User authorizes WeShip to make the charges generated by the purchased Guides, as well as the payment for any difference in charges due to the dimensions and weight of the cargo or product sent through the different packages or couriers contracted, in addition to the charges for damages caused to WeShip.
k) That the User must refrain from deleting, evading or modifying the elements used on the Site, as well as the technical protection devices or any mechanism or procedure established on the Site.
l) That the User acknowledges that, if their Account has been canceled, the User will no longer have access to the Site and that all access to the Site through such canceled User Account will be the User's full responsibility.
m) That WeShip does not assume any responsibility for the proper functioning of the Site, nor for any damages that the User believes may arise from the interaction of the Site with their computer equipment or with the peripheral or parallel accessories of such equipment and with the connecting lines between their equipment and the Site.
n) The User will execute the obligations assumed under these Terms and Conditions, in an honest, loyal and diligent manner, in accordance with the highest standards and respective customary uses in Mexico.
ñ) The User will inform WeShip of the location and nature of any strange condition that they are aware of, which could affect what is established in the Terms and Conditions.
o) The User is absolutely responsible for the content of the packages sent under the Guides purchased through the Site, so WeShip has no responsibility for the content of these packages, and for this reason it does not guarantee the shipment of its products, which will be at the discretion of the chosen parcel or courier companies.
In the event that any of the Terms and Conditions included in this document conflict with additional terms or other terms and guidelines on the Site, these Terms and Conditions will prevail.
This is the use of the Site by Users who are interested in purchasing Prepared Guides, to send messages with third parties, comparing and acquiring such guides at the best price based on their needs and personal choice.
The User accepts and recognizes that WeShip only provides a platform for purchasing Guides, or packages of Guides, acting solely as a co-intermediary between the User and third-party messaging services. Therefore, the User acknowledges that WeShip is not responsible for product shipments, delivery times, conditions under which the package is delivered, as well as everything related to the courier service.
The User will be responsible for the package sent, as well as its content, and is therefore responsible at all times for it, as well as in cases where the package is harmful, fraudulent, misleading, threatening, harassing, defamatory, obscene, illegal, violates any law or regulation, endangers the security of the Company or a third party.
WeShip reserves the right to modify, temporarily or permanently cancel the Site, and at any time and without prior notice, to Users who misuse the Guides offered on the Site. In the use of the Site, WeShip may act as an intermediary between the User and the messaging service to assist with any controversy, delay, claim, loss, damage or any other similar or similar, however, it is not responsible or guaranteed the solution to the conflict that may arise in your case.
WeShip wants to offer the best possible shopping experience for the services offered here. To do this, we need to ensure that you understand and agree not to: (i) Misuse the Purchased Guides; (ii) act in any way or use any device that restricts, harms, interferes with or limits any other user from using or enjoying the WeShip platforms, or affecting the security of the site; likewise, (iii) will not use any device or attempt to use any engine, software, tool, agent, script or other device or mechanism (including but not limited to: spiders, computer robots, trackers, avatars or intelligent agents) for browsing or searching the website, or for copying content from the website. We reserve the right to immediate access to the site and may close the account of any user who violates this clause or any other provision of these terms and conditions.
The User agrees to pay all fees associated with the Guides and Services offered at the prices agreed on the Site. The cost of the Guides may be changed at any time without prior notice to the User. An upward variation in the price of the Guide may also occur once the package has been delivered to the courier or parcel service for shipment, this for reasons of weight, dimensions or size of the product being shipped. If that is the reason, you accept and authorize WeShip to charge the difference in price through the credit card you have registered on the platform, or through the Balance that you may have available to WeShip.
The prices of the Guides are quoted taking into account the volumetric weight and in full kilograms, so in the case of a weight in grams, the weight will always be rounded upwards to generate full kilograms. These rates may vary in price depending on the provider offering the service, and there are also price variations depending on weights, dimensions and coverage.
As an example, if the quoted product weighs 600 grams, the fee that will be considered for the collection will be that of the volumetric weight of 1 kg, because the courier and/or parcel services do not take into account the grams between each kilo of shipping and any additional gram is automatically charged with the rate of the next kilo upwards.
The User may make prepayments in order to generate Balances on the Site, which will be discounted through the different purchases made on different Guides. This credit will not be valid and can be used by the User at any time they wish.
If there is any discrepancy between the weight indicated by the User, and the actual weight determined by the courier or parcel service, WeShip reserves the right to fine the User with an additional charge equivalent to the fine imposed for the parcel service, or with an equivalent amount of up to 35% (thirty-five percent) of the total price of their purchase. If such discrepancies are repetitive in the same User, WeShip may decide to cancel their subscription and/or registration without prior notice.
The fines indicated in the previous lines will be charged directly to the User's account, and in the case of not having a favorable balance in their account, a negative balance will be applied with a period not exceeding 10 (ten) business days to cover it. After this period, and in the event that the User does not cover the amounts that appear to him as negative, WeShip reserves the right to automatically charge the charge to the Credit Card provided for collections, and may also cancel the User's account without prior notice.
The methods available on the Site may be modified at any time without prior notice to the User. If your account is canceled for reasons of debit, in order to reactivate it, you must cover, in addition to the existing debit, a fine consisting of 35% (thirty-five percent) of your debit.
WeShip allows the cancellation of user-generated guides that arise with an involuntary error. In which the user must request WeShip to cancel through the platform, which will be applied to a prior analysis of the platform in the following cases:
1. That the guide is not used within the first 5 days of its validity.
2. That the user unintentionally performed the process unambiguously when processing the guide.
Both WeShip and the user recognize that the validity period of a guide is 5 (five) days from its issuance. On the understanding that, if there is no claim for cancellation of this, WeShip will not be responsible for such reimbursement. All this in accordance with the terms and conditions that each messaging service establishes. The user, if applicable, once the refund has been obtained from the messaging service, will have a period of 30 (thirty) days to request WeShip to deposit the total amount of the refund. On the understanding that, if this term is exceeded, the user cannot request any payment, and WeShip is exempt from any responsibility in this regard. The user has 24 (twenty-four) hours after the generation of the guide to cancel their order or make changes to it. It is the responsibility of the user to make the change before the stipulated deadline, in order to return the service or change it. Guides purchased on WeShip expire 5 (five) days after being purchased/generated. If the user does not use the guide within this period, WeShip is not responsible if the provider does not accept the guide. WeShip will not be liable under any circumstances and to any extent, neither for direct or indirect damages, nor for consequential damages or for loss of profits, for any damages derived from the use of the information and contents of the website or accessible from or through it. If the User requests the cancellation of any Guide and still makes use of the Guide, WeShip will apply a cancellation to the cancellation request made by the User, and will not be responsible for any refund, nor will any return be applied to the User. 7. BILLING: All your purchases may be billable, for which the total amount of your purchase plus Value Added Tax will be considered. Amounts charged for fines, international taxes and others generated as a result of breaches of their obligations may not be invoiced. 8. NO ASSOCIATION OR EMPLOYMENT RELATIONSHIP: The services that WeShip provides through the online page do not create any contract of partnership, association, mandate, or employment relationship between users and WeShip, the latter of which will remain at all times as a legally and economically independent person and with no other relationship than that expressed in these terms and conditions, so that no user can assume commitments or obligations, or offer guarantees or services on behalf of WeShip, or link it to any contract, agreement, commitment, guarantee, procedure, procedure, stipulation of any nature, nor to intervene or manage any procedure (whether judicial or administrative) on behalf of or on behalf of the same. For the foregoing, the User exempts, releases and exempts WeShip, its administrators, operators, owners, affiliates, strategic partners, suppliers or any other similar or similar from penalties and/or sanctions issued by the respective Mexican labor and/or social security authorities, WeShip, its administrators, operators, owners, affiliates, strategic partners, suppliers or any other similar or similar one, and where appropriate, undertakes to immediately cover and compensate the latter and their representatives, the expenses that they would have to spend for their defense as a result of the above, including attorney fees. In addition, it undertakes to pay any damages that the foregoing may cause to the Companies of the Company. 9. MODIFICATIONS TO THE SITE: Due to the open nature of the Internet and the Site, we are constantly changing and modifying the Guides and Services offered on the Site, including the Terms and Conditions. By accessing and using the Site, the User understands and accepts that WeShip will at any time have the right to make modifications and updates to the Site without prior notification to the User. Therefore, the User expressly accepts that it is their obligation to periodically review the Terms and Conditions in force on the Site. Access to and use of the Site by the User after the publication of any change to the Terms and Conditions unequivocally indicates that the User absolutely and unconditionally accepts such changes and updates.
At the moment we only work with Shopify, very soon we will be in more marketplaces, in the meantime, you can create an account and make use of the platform without problem and once we are compatible with your e-commerce you can link your account immediately.
WeShip authorizes the User to use the Site exclusively as established in the Terms and Conditions expressed here, without this implying that it grants the User any license or authorization any or any type of right other than the mentioned use with respect to the Intellectual Property of WeShip.
WeShip does not control and does not guarantee the absence of viruses on the Site, nor the absence of other elements on the Site that may cause alterations to the User's computer system (software and hardware) or to the electronic documents and files stored in their computer system.
The content of the platform, its design, programs, databases, files, etc. are the property of WeShip. WeShip is susceptible to failures or cyberattacks, in the system, on its servers, or on the internet, and is therefore not responsible for any damage, harm, or impairment suffered by users that result from such failures in their system, including without limitation, the loss of data, information or programs, damage to computers or networks, the infection of user equipment from viruses as a result of the transmission of files, audio, images, data, among others, separating users from the moment they register on the platform to WeShip bears any liability in connection with such cases.
WeShip will try by all its means to have its virtual platform fully operational, however it does not guarantee continuous or uninterrupted access and use of its site, nor is it subject to any type of responsibility arising from its lack of provision, nor is it responsible for any error or omission of the data contained on its website or in the publications of the respective articles, given that the platform is 100% referential, so we only act as intermediaries between people who seek to place their products. Any illegal intrusion or attempted intrusion into WeShip's systems will result in the exercise of corresponding legal actions, including the obligation to compensate it for possible damages caused to it.
Unless notified through our own platform, WeShip has no links, hyperlinks or links (hereinafter the “Links”) to the Site on sites other than the WeShip platform itself, and is therefore not responsible for the origin, uses and destinations of such Links. Therefore, the person responsible for the sites that mention or manage a link to the Site, that is not announced on our platform, is not authorized to manage such Links, nor to promote WeShip or the Site. WeShip does not assume any responsibility for these sites, or their content outside the Site, nor does it accept any charge for advertising.
The Site and the Terms and Conditions have an indefinite duration. However, WeShip may terminate, suspend or interrupt at any time and without prior notice to the User, the Site and the Terms and Conditions, without giving rise to any right to any claim or compensation, nor does this imply recognition of any liability for the User and against WeShip, its administrators, owners, affiliates, strategic partners, suppliers or any other similar one, and without the need for any declaration or judicial decision.
WeShip will at all times and without any liability, have the power to temporarily suspend partially or completely the operation, the content of the Site and its Products.
Users have the following obligations to WeShip:
1. Provide all the real information that is requested by WeShip for registration and registration on the platforms and the Site.
2. Indicate the form of payment and provide the details of the credit card (s) through which fees, fees, charges, surcharges and fines will be charged. If the form of payment changes, the card provided undergoes modifications or changes, it must be informed to WeShip by providing a new payment method or updating the payment card details.
3. Provide correct and accurate data regarding the weight, volume, size and dimension of the product that will be quoted for the purchase of the Shipping Guides through the courier and/or parcel services of your choice.
4. Ensure that the contents of the packages that are sent through the chosen courier and/or parcel service, through the purchase of the Guides offered by WeShip, are not illegal, harmful or dangerous products.
5. Faithfully inform WeShip of the characteristics of the product to be shipped, in order to be able to determine if the product is fragile or requires more care or maintenance.
The following are the causes of termination of these Terms and Conditions:
1. For the User's non-compliance with the provisions of the Terms and Conditions.
2. For the extinction of the subject matter of the Terms and Conditions.
WeShip may permanently or temporarily warn or suspend an account or at any given time sanction the user in the following cases:
1. If a user registers twice under different identities, they may be permanently disabled from operating on the site.
2. When a user provides discrepant measurements on 3 different occasions.
3. If a user submits a product that is classified as dangerous, harmful or illegal.
4. If the account holder is a minor.
5. If the user provided false data when registering on the platform.
6. When the email address is incorrect or disabled.
7. When users have a debt with WeShip, and it is not covered within a maximum period of 10 (ten) business days, in which case the user cannot reactivate their account until they cover the debit and the penalty indicated in paragraph 4 of these Terms and Conditions.
The customer will have the right to a refund of the remaining balance in their account as a result of account cancellation, as long as they do not present outstanding debts and/or charges derived from the use of the services already requested and used. The refund procedure for account cancellation will be as follows:
1. Send an email to the address reportes@weship.com, asking for the return of the available balance in your WeShip account
2. The customer will receive a formal request for reimbursement in which they will be asked for information necessary to be able to make the corresponding refund.
3. Once all the requested documentation and information have been submitted, the customer's account will be suspended and they must wait a period of 30 (thirty) calendar days for their request in order to receive the corresponding refund.
4. If you incur any debt for previously requested services, for example, without limitation; on pesos, fees, redirects, extended areas, these will be deducted from the remaining balance of your account.
5. Once the refund has been made, the bank selected by the customer may take up to 20 (twenty) business days to process the payment to their bank account.
When making the request for reimbursement, the customer acknowledges that WeShip has the right to deduct the debits corresponding to the account and the customer agrees to make the corresponding payment in case of a balance in favor of WeShip.
Any return can be made as long as 30 (thirty) business days have passed since the issue of the last guide generated and/or made, since overweight/tax charges may be submitted at the discretion of the selected package.
User information is vital to WeShip, which is why it takes precautions to its possibilities and stores information stored on servers with high security standards.
By registering and/or browsing the WeShip Site, the user and/or the visitor consent to the use of their personal information for the purposes set out below.
Users may rectify, cancel, modify and update their Personal Data (username, password, email address, as well as registration information such as: company, address, city, region, zip code, main telephone number, secondary telephone number, fax number, email address, etc.) as well as to object to the processing of the same and to be informed of the transfers carried out, with users being solely responsible for the veracity of the Personal Data provided, which are commit to keeping them up to date. In all cases, WeShip will save the above data for security reasons, as well as to resolve complaints, problems or incidents and solve them for the period of time determined by the applicable regulations.
To receive more information about the confidentiality of your Personal Data, as well as in case you wish to exercise your rights to access, rectify, cancel or object to the processing of your Personal Data, contact us by email or post. Our Data Protection Officer is Mr. Adrián Galán Gutierrez, whom you can contact by email at adrian @weship, or by regular mail at Callejón de los Ayala 450 Nuevo León, Mexico.
To register with WeShip, it may request, collect and store the following Personal Data: username and pseudonym to operate on the site, name, document number or valid identification, copy of this, physical contact information (such as telephone number, home address, etc.), stating that the user fully agrees that WeShip has access to all the information collected from their Personal Account, their Personal Data, information about their interests, tastes, contacts and any other content hosted on your Personal Account including messages, photos, videos and any other type of content and that emails are sent to your account with information or messages from WeShip.
WeShip collects and stores certain information about the activity of users and visitors within its website, such as the URL they come from, what URL they access next, what browser they are using, and their IP addresses. Also, the pages visited, the searches carried out, the Guides, purchases, packages of choice, products sent, messages in the forums, among other information may be stored and retained, including access to the contact lists of the mobile devices used by users to provide their services, information that will be used, among other things, to analyze the interests, behaviors and demographics of users to better understand their needs and interests and offer them better services or provide them with related information; send information or messages by e-mail about new services, display advertising or promotions, banners, of interest to our users; send information or notices by short text messages (SMS) to the cell phone provided by the user; sharing Personal Data (including e-mail address and financial and/or financial information) with service providers or “outsourcing” companies that contribute to improving or facilitating operations through WeShip, among others.
Notwithstanding all of the foregoing, the user expressly empowers WeShip to transfer all or part of the Personal Data to any of the companies controlled, controlling and/or linked to it.
The user and the visitor to the WeShip website recognize and accept the use of “Cookies”, which are files that are installed on the hard drive, with a limited duration in time, that help to customize the services, so that the website can consult the user's previous activity, and which are used, among others, to know the user's browsing habits, the searches carried out, and their interests in order to be more aware of the user's needs and interests and to provide them with a better service or provide them with information related, as well as to improve promotional campaigns, display advertising, promotions, banners, promote and enforce the rules and security of the site, even so that the user does not have to enter their password so frequently during a browsing session, and the user can, if he so decides, delete the respective cookies from his computer, on the understanding that the cookies that are the reason for this point are those used by WeShip, but not those used by third parties in which WeShip has no intervention or responsibility.
WeShip may disclose the Personal Data of its users at the request of competent judicial or governmental authorities for the purpose of investigations conducted by them, even if there is no executive or judicial order or subpoena. The user acknowledges and accepts that WeShip collects, stores and monitors the exchange of messages and emails between its users.
The Site and any other Intellectual Property relating to the content, organization, collection, compilation, information, photographs, images, programs, applications and in general any information contained or published on the Site, is duly protected in favor of WeShip and/or its Administrators and/or Operators, and their controllers, affiliates, subsidiaries and/or any other company related to them (hereinafter the Affiliates), in accordance with Mexican legislation on intellectual property.
The User is expressly prohibited from modifying, altering or deleting, either partially or totally, the Intellectual Property contained in the Site.
The User accepts that WeShip may assign, transmit or subcontract the rights and obligations derived from these Terms and Conditions, without the need to give prior written notice to the User. For their part, the User may not assign, transmit or subcontract the rights and obligations derived from these Terms and Conditions without the prior written consent of WeShip.
Any rights not expressly conferred in this document are understood to be reserved to WeShip.
Any notice, notification, request or other communication that the User requires to make to the Company must be made in writing and delivered (i) personally; (ii) by public notary; (iii) by email with acknowledgment of receipt; or (iv) by recognized commercial messaging services with acknowledgement of receipt, as described below:
Addressed to: _______
Address: ___________, San Pedro Garza Garcia, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
Attention: Department of Personal Information
The User must provide the Company with an email address and an address, where the Company may make any notice, notification, request or other communication to the User.
The User and the Company expressly agree to give written notice of any change of email address and/or address and as long as it is not reliably reported, the notifications made will be understood to have been legally made to the email and address provided initially.
All taxes, rights and tax liabilities derived from the Terms and Conditions and that belong to the User will be at the User's expense and expense, in terms of applicable legislation. WeShip will not assume any responsibility for the User's breach of these obligations.
If the User wishes to purchase an International Shipping Guide, additional charges may be incurred for International Taxes, which may be quoted directly by the chosen Parcel Service or by WeShip, and must always be covered by the User.
International taxes may be charged directly to WeShip, for which the charge will be reflected directly in your account, discounting the amounts charged as Tax directly from your wallet or balance. If you do not have a favorable balance in your account, a negative balance will be applied for the amount of Taxes generated, and for which you will have no more than 10 (ten) business days to cover it. After this period has elapsed, and in the event that the User does not cover the amounts that appear to him as negative, WeShip reserves the right to automatically charge the credit card provided for collections, and may cancel the User's account without prior notice.
The International Tax may also be charged directly to the recipient of the package sent, freeing WeShip from any responsibility for the payment of the amounts generated by this concept, and in the event that the package does not reach its final destination for reasons of non-payment of the corresponding Tax, there will be no claim to WeShip.
The User accepts that a printed version of these Terms and Conditions, and of any communication sent and received in electronic form, will be admissible as evidence in any judicial and/or administrative proceeding or of any other nature, considering that the simple use and use of the Site is proof of tacit acceptance of the Terms and Conditions, and the express signature of the User is not required for their acceptance.
The User undertakes not to use and/or affect in any negative way and at any time the good name and image of WeShip, otherwise the User will be entitled to the payment of corresponding damages and to the corresponding compensation in favor of WeShip, its operators, administrators, owners, partners, affiliates, employees and any other similar or similar, including but not limited to, the payment of any type of costs and expenses incurred as a result of the foregoing by WeShip and its Affiliates.
WeShip will not be responsible for the obligations contained in these Terms and Conditions when there are causes beyond its control, including orders from civil and military authorities, floods, epidemics, pandemics, wars, riots and other similar causes of fortuitous events or force majeure.
WeShip will not be responsible for flaws or omissions in the Site to carry out the acquisition of Guides by the User if they are of poor quality, incomplete, useless and with hidden defects or defects.
WeShip and the User state and acknowledge that in these Terms and Conditions there is no or has been error, intent, bad faith, violence, injury, fraud or other damages or defects that may affect the consent of WeShip and the User.
If at any time or under any jurisdiction, any section and/or section of the Terms and Conditions is considered invalid or illegal, it will be considered modified to the extent necessary so that said section and/or section of the Terms and Conditions is considered valid and applicable at that time or under any jurisdiction and that it has, to the greatest extent possible, the effects most similar to those intended by the Company with the original section and/or section of the Terms and Conditions. The nullity or invalidity of any of the sections and/or sections of the Terms and Conditions will in no way affect the validity of the other sections and/or sections and in no case will it cause the nullity or invalidity of the Terms and Conditions.
WeShip and the User agree that in the event that the User fails to comply with any of their obligations under these Terms and Conditions and/or files a lawsuit of any nature, against WeShip and its Affiliates, in Mexico and/or in any other country in the world, the User must pay WeShip and its Affiliates for all damages caused to them by the foregoing.
The User releases the Company Companies and the Company's Representatives from any liability and obligations arising from or that may arise from these Terms and Conditions, and the User hereby grants the broadest legal settlement to WeShip and its Affiliates. By virtue of the foregoing, the User will not reserve any complaint, charge, action, right, claim or demand of any kind (including, but not limited to, those related to the payment of damages, consequential damages (direct and indirect), penalties and compensation), past, present or future, known or unknown, fixed or contingent, certain or uncertain, that results from or that in any way is directly or indirectly related to these Terms and Conditions.
These Terms and Conditions contain everything agreed between the Company and the User and replace any previous negotiation, understanding and/or agreement between them, regarding them.
By visiting WeShip.com, you agree that the laws of the United Mexican States, regardless of your address and conflicts of laws, will govern these terms and conditions, as well as any dispute of any kind that may arise between the user and envia.com or its affiliates.
Any dispute related in any way to your visit to WeShip.com will be subject to alternative dispute resolution methods, with the exception that, to the extent that you, in any way, have violated or threatened to violate WeShip's intellectual property rights, WeShip may request injunctive relief or other relief in the State or Federal courts in the State of Nuevo León, Mexico and, you agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of such courts.
For the resolution of any dispute that arises as a result of the interpretation, compliance and execution of the Terms and Conditions, the Company and the User submit themselves expressly and by mutual agreement to the jurisdiction of the competent courts in the City of Monterrey, in the State of Nuevo León, Mexico, renouncing any jurisdiction that, by reason of their present or future domiciles, or that, for any other reason, may correspond to them.
Each package has variable criteria in reference to the application of refunds, WeShip has no inference regarding the application of these criteria and will limit itself to complying with the decisions made by the packages regarding refunds, however, WeShip undertakes to the User to be and participate in all existing controversies in relation to the Guides purchased through the site, and will support and assist the customer to complain to the package of their choice for any delay or non-compliance on the part of the package , for which purpose, in the event that the claim is favorable to the User, WeShip will reimburse the amounts paid for the questioned Guide. In the event that the claim is not favorable to the User, WeShip is not responsible or guarantees any type of refund in favor of the customer.
In compliance with the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data Held by Individuals, WeShip (hereinafter the Responsible), with registered address for conventional purposes at RioMosa 328 Col Del Valle 66220 San Pedro Garza Garcia Nuevo Leon Mexico, declares responsibility for the processing of personal data, observing the principles of lawfulness, consent, information, quality, purpose, loyalty, proportionality and responsibility, provided for in the Law. However, the Responsible Party notes that the Owner's personal data obtained through it and/or automatically collected as a result of their express consent, or by any legal means, including public access sources, mobile applications, computer programs, social networks and references from third parties, will be all those necessary for the Responsible Party, in view of the fulfillment of its corporate purpose, to be in a position to comply with the obligations derived from the legal relationship between the Data Controller and the Owner; including general identification information, email and/or contact details of the Owner. These obligations constitute the offer of products, and the appropriate use of the Responsible's mobile application, website and computer programs. In view of the above, it should be noted that the data processing carried out by the Data Controller includes the storage, security, access, and any other similar, that is necessary so that the Data Controller can be in a position to comply with the obligations deriving from the legal relationship between the Data Controller and the Owner, including the use of your personal data for the purpose of identifying you and providing you with access to the computer programs and contracted functionalities. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the Owner wishes to limit the use or disclosure of your data, including processing for purposes other than those that gave rise to the legal relationship, or decides to exercise the rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition, you can do so by consulting the procedure established on the Responsible Party's website http://www.WeShip.com. Once this has been done, the Owner will form part of the Exclusion List managed by the Responsible and his data will not be shared with third parties that are not necessary to comply with the legal relationship between the Owner and the Responsible. Regardless of the above, the Data Controller undertakes to treat the data disclosed by the Owner with strict confidentiality in compliance with the provisions of the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data Held by Individuals and its regulations, applying the necessary physical and technological measures to in order to safeguard the integrity of the data disclosed. It should be noted that the products and services offered by the Data Controller via the Internet may use mechanisms such as Cookies, Web Beacons and other technologies through which data is collected automatically and simultaneously, such as the IP address of origin, browser used, operating system, time at which the page was accessed, making it possible to monitor your behavior as a user of Internet services. For this reason, the Data Controller informs the Owner that at any time he can disable the use of these mechanisms, in accordance with the instructions that each company that owns the browsers (browser or Internet viewer) has implemented to activate and deactivate the aforementioned Cookies and Web Beacons. It is important to note that the Data Controller may unilaterally modify this privacy notice in accordance with the provisions applicable to the matter. This privacy notice and any changes made to it can be consulted on the Responsible Party's website http://www.WeShip.com.Por for its part, the Owner may revoke the consent granted here at any time, following the procedure established on the Responsible Party's website
In order to comply with the provisions of the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data Held by Individuals, we remind them of the rights that personal data holders can exercise. Access: Right of the owner to obtain their personal data held by WeShip, as well as to know the Privacy Notice to which the processing is subject.
Rectification: Right of the owner, to request WeShip, to rectify their personal data when they prove to be inaccurate or incomplete. Cancellation: Right of the owner, at any time, to request WeShip to cancel their personal data.
Opposition: Right of the owner, at all times to object to the processing of their data. In this regard, in the event that the owner of the personal data requires to revoke consent, or exercise any of the rights mentioned above, he must go to the WeShip office located in Rio Mosa 328 Col del Valle 66230 San Pedro Garza Garcia Nuevo Leon or by contacting us at: +52 1 8115780592 and submit a request for access, rectification, cancellation or opposition which must contain and accompany the following:
1. Holder: Original and copy of the Current Voting Credential, Passport or Driver's License.
2. Legal Representative: Original and copy of the document that accredits the legal representation of the rights holder, accompanied by the original and copy of the Valid Voting Credential, Passport or Driver's License.
3. Full name of the owner of the personal data.
4. The determination of the right you wish to exercise: access, rectification, cancellation or opposition.
5. The clear and precise description of the personal data with respect to which one seeks to exercise any of the above-mentioned rights, or any other element or document that facilitates the location of personal data.
6. An email address to which our response will be sent to you. Requests will be answered within the next 20 business days from the date on which the request was submitted. The holder may choose to receive the response at our address by receiving simple copies, or, if appropriate, by sending electronic documents sent to the email address provided, if appropriate, by sending electronic documents sent to the email address provided, if appropriate,
Welcome to WeShip Track, a post-purchase logistics management system provided by WeShip SA de CV (hereinafter referred to as “WeShip,” “WeShip Track,” “our” or “we”). These Terms and Conditions (the “Terms”) govern your access to and use of the WeShip Track services and website. By accessing or using WeShip Track, you agree to comply with and be bound by these Terms. If you do not agree to these Terms, please refrain from using our services.
WeShip Track is a platform designed to help companies and individuals manage and track post-purchase logistics. By using our services, you agree to:
-Provide accurate and complete information when signing up for an account.
-Safeguard your account credentials and don't share them with third parties.
-Comply with all applicable laws and regulations when using WeShip Track.
-Respect the intellectual property rights of WeShip and third parties.
-Use WeShip Track only for its intended purposes.
Your use of WeShip Track is also governed by our Privacy Policy, which you can find on our website. By using WeShip Track, you consent to the collection, use and sharing of your information as described in our Privacy Policy.
All content and materials available on WeShip Track, including, but not limited to, software, text, graphics, logos and images, are protected by intellectual property laws. You may not use these materials without our explicit permission.
We reserve the right to terminate or suspend your access to WeShip Track at our discretion, without notice, for any reason, including if we believe that you have violated these Terms. You can also terminate your account at any time by ceasing to use WeShip Track.
We provide WeShip Track as is, without warranties of any kind, either express or implied. We are not responsible for direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages, including, but not limited to, damages for loss of profits, goodwill, use, data, or other intangible losses that result from the use or inability to use WeShip Track.
You agree to compensate, defend and hold WeShip and its affiliates, officers, employees and agents harmless from any claims, losses, liabilities, expenses or demands, including reasonable attorneys' fees, arising out of your use of WeShip Track, your violation of these Terms, or your violation of the rights of third parties.
We may update and modify these Terms at any time. The most recent version of the Terms will be posted on our website, and any changes will take effect when posted. Your continued use of WeShip Track after any change to the Terms constitutes your acceptance of those changes.
These Terms are governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Mexico, without regard to its principles of conflict of laws.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding these Terms, please contact us at friends@weship.com. By using WeShip Track, you acknowledge that you have read, understood and accepted these Terms and Conditions.
WeShip Track recognizes that it does not own the trademarks of carriers or shipping companies whose services are tracked or managed through the WeShip Track platform. Any use of carriers' trademarks is solely for the purpose of providing tracking and management services to our users and does not imply that WeShip Track is owned or supported by the respective carriers.
WeShip Track is not responsible for the availability or accuracy of shipment status information provided by carriers. We don't control shippers' servers or systems, so we can't guarantee the real-time accuracy of shipment tracking data. WeShip Track users should be aware that carrier systems may experience downtime or delays that are beyond our control.
In addition, WeShip Track assumes no responsibility for the physical shipment of goods or services. We are a post-purchase logistics management system, and our role is limited to providing tracking and management tools. The responsibility for the shipment of goods, including their safe and timely delivery, lies with the respective carriers and the parties involved in the shipping process.
WeShip Track users should contact carriers or logistics providers directly for any shipping-related concerns or problems, including delays, damages, losses, or other issues related to shipments. We encourage users to consult the specific terms and conditions of carriers or logistics providers for more information about their services.
WeShip Track acts solely as an intermediary for monitoring and management purposes, and disclaims any liability for the actions, omissions, or performance of carriers or logistics providers.
By using WeShip Track, you acknowledge and agree that WeShip Track is not responsible for carrier systems, the accuracy of the shipment status or shipment of goods, and that any issues or disputes with carriers or logistics providers must be addressed directly with them.
WeShip SA de CV (referred to as “WeShip,” “WeShip Track,” “we,” “our”) is committed to safeguarding your privacy. This Privacy Policy describes how we collect, use, disclose and protect your personal information when you use the weShip Track post-purchase fulfillment system. By accessing or using WeShip Track, you consent to the practices described in this Privacy Policy.
We collect and process the following types of information when you use WeShip Track:
a. Account Information: When you create an account, we collect your name, email address, and other information necessary to provide our services.
b. Shipping Information: We collect data related to your shipments, including tracking numbers, shipment status, and related information.
c. Registration data: We collect data about your interactions with WeShip Track, such as your IP address, device information, and browser type.
d. Cookies and similar technologies: We use cookies and similar technologies to collect information about your usage patterns and improve your experience with WeShip Track.
We use your information for the following purposes:
a. Service Provision and Improvement: We use your information to provide, maintain and improve WeShip Track, including tracking shipments and improving our services.
b. Communication: We may use your email address to send you service-related information, updates and notifications.
c. Analysis and Research: We analyze user data to better understand the needs of our users and improve WeShip Track.
We take security seriously and use reasonable administrative, technical and physical measures to protect your personal information. However, keep in mind that no data transmission or storage can be guaranteed to be 100% secure, and we cannot ensure the security of your information.
You have options regarding your personal information:
a. Access and Correction: You can access and update your account information by signing in to your WeShip Track account.
b. Communication Preferences: You can manage your communication preferences by adjusting your notification settings.
We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 13. If you are a parent or guardian and you believe that your child has provided us with their information, please contact us and we will take the necessary steps to delete the information.
We may update this Privacy Policy as necessary to reflect changes in our practices or other operational, legal or regulatory reasons.
If you have questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy or your personal information, please contact us at friends@weship.com. By using WeShip Track, you acknowledge that you have read, understood and accepted this Privacy Policy. Your privacy is fundamental to us and we are committed to protecting your personal information while providing you with excellent services.