Find out how to dominate WeShip step by step. Explore our tutorials organized by categories, follow our practical tips and discover how to get the most out of our platform.
1. Go to the Shopify App Store and type “WeShip” in the search engine. Select the app “WeShip Shipping Logistics Mexico”
2. Click on the button “Install App”
3. Create a WeShip account
3. Fill out the form with your shipment information such as the approximate number of monthly shipments, shipping address and package information
4. Once you have registered and are on the platform, orders from your Shopify store will be automatically synchronized to WeShip. You can view them from the menu “Orders”
1. If you're using the Basic or Standard plan, consider upgrading to the Advanced or Shopify Plus plan. The shipping rate function calculated by third-party carriers is only available on those plans.
2. In the Shopify admin, click Settings.
3. Choose Shipping & Delivery > Manage Rates.
4. Click Add rate in the preferred shipping zone.
5. Select Use carrier or app to calculate rates.
Choose the carrier and complete your shipping rates.
1. In the menu on the left side click on the tab “Orders” this will pull down a submenu, click on “Create”
2. Click on the pencil icon in the pictures of “SENDER”, 'RECIPIENT', “ITEMS” And ”PACKAGE INFO & INSURANCE” to fill out or edit your shipment information. Then click on the button “SAVE”.
3. Once all the information has been completed, the quotes for the packages will automatically appear on the right side and you can choose the one that is most convenient for you.
4. If you want to insure your package, click on the insurance icon, the insurance will be activated for your package at an additional cost.
5. Click on the button “BUY LABEL”, which will generate the guide for you in a PDF file, download the guide, print it, paste it in your package and that's it!
1. In the menu on the left side click on the tab “Orders” this will pull down a submenu, click on “List”
2. It will take you to your command table. Select the orders for which you are going to generate their corresponding labels.
3. Now with your orders selected, click on the button “GENERATE LABELS”
4. It will quote you for the guides, dividing them by package. Once you are satisfied with the quote, click on the button “BUY LABELS” which will generate the files for you to download in PDF your package guides for you to print and paste in your packages.
1. Within the order you are going to send, the icon of a padlock with the legend will appear in gray at the bottom of the quote “Click for insurance”, this means that the insurance is deactivated, to activate it you just have to click
2. When you click, the icon will change color to blue and the text will read “Package Insurance” this means that the insurance is already active and the cost of the insurance will be displayed on the right side. If you want to turn it off, just click on the icon again.
1. In the menu on the left side click on the tab “Shipments” this will pull down a submenu, click on “Shipments”
2. Look for the guide you want to cancel, you go to the column “Actions” and open the shipping drop-down menu and select the option “Cancel”.
Note: It's important that in order to cancel a guide, its status still appears as “Label created” because otherwise it will be impossible to cancel the label. For the time being, the packages that do not have the option of canceling labels are DHL, Estafeta and RedPack, if you want to cancel a label with them, you need to contact us to do so.
1. In the menu on the left side click on the tab “Shipments” this will pull down a submenu, click on “Fast Quote”
2. Fill in the corresponding origin and destination data, as well as the postal codes, the exact weight and dimensions of the package. Don't forget to click on the save button to update the information.
3. Once you have filled in the information fields, click on the button “QUOTE” and that's it. The list of packages with their respective shipping prices will appear on the right side.
1. In the menu on the left side click on the tab “Shipments” this will pull down a submenu, click on “Pickups”
2. Click on the button “SCHEDULE PICKUP” and select the package with which you want to schedule the pickup.
3. The orders will be filtered depending on the package you select, click on the button “GENERATE PICKUP”
4. Enter information such as the address, date and time to collect the package and the name of the person responsible for the schedule. Once the data is filled in, click on the button “SAVE” And voila, the collection will have been scheduled
1. Within Shopify, go to the menu “Orders”
2. Find and open the order you want to import to WeShip
3. Click on the button “More actions” and select the WeShip app
4. It will take you directly to the order already synchronized in WeShip so you can continue with your shipping process without problems
1. In the menu on the left side click on the tab “Shipments” this will pull down a submenu, click on the second menu called “Shipments”
2. Within the shipping table, locate the shipment you want to track and in the column “COURIER” click on the tracking number
3. When you click on the tracking number, you will be redirected to the tracking of your package, where you can view the location of your shipment, as well as the tracking history.
1. Within the platform, in the upper right corner, the account balance is displayed, click on that area
2. It will take you to the wallet, where you can select between different payment methods to recharge your balance. Once you have selected the payment method of your choice, on the right side, in the table “ADD FUNDS” Fill the field with “Amount” selecting a quantity and clicking on the button “PAY NOW”
1. Within the platform, in the upper right corner, the account balance is displayed, click on that area
2. It will take you to the wallet. Under the payment methods block, click on the button “ADD PAYMENT METHOD”
3. A pop-up window will open, fill in all the fields requested and then click on the button “ADD CARD”
4. You can view the added payment method on the left side.
1. 1. Inside the platform, in the lower left corner, go to the menu “Settings”
2. Within Settings, click “GENERAL”
3. Go to Billing Address, where you can view and edit the data
1. In the menu on the left side click on the tab “Billing” this will pull down a submenu, click on the second menu called “Transactions”
2. You can see a table with the transactions in your account, you can filter them by: guides, transfers, surcharges, refunds, cancellations, commissions and insurance policies or all. You can also filter them by date and download them in CSV format.
1. Within the platform, in the lower right corner is the icon of our chat, click to open it
2. Once the chat is displayed, click on the section that says “Send us a message”
2. Two options will appear, click on the one that says “Create report” and then select the type of report you are going to make. As an example for this tutorial we selected “Delivery Delay” but you can select any one, depending on the type of report you need to create
2. Our customer service team will ask you to create a ticket for the report, just click on “Create ticket” and then provide the information it will ask for about your shipment such as package, tracking number and additional information. Click on the blue button “Create ticket” to send the information
2. Once your ticket is created, click on it to see the status of your report
2. You will be able to see the status of your report, from when it was created, when it is in progress and when it has been resolved
2. To view the history of tickets or reports, go to the menu of the chat called “Tickets” This menu will only appear once you have created at least one report.
1. Inside the platform, in the lower left corner, go to the menu “Settings”
2. Within Settings, click “PACKAGE”
3. Your catalog of packages will appear, you can add new ones by clicking on the button “ADD PACKAGE”
4. Fill out the form entering the measurements, weight and type of package that you are going to add to your catalog and click on the button “CREATE PACKAGE”
5. Once you've created the package, it will appear below the default package. You can add more packages by following the same steps as above
6. To edit a package just click on it and a pop-up window will open in which your package information comes, in which you can edit the information, mark the package as default or delete it
1. Inside the platform, in the lower left corner, go to the menu “Settings”
3. You will see a list of all the packages available on WeShip. You can activate or deactivate any Carrier, this will allow you to quote and buy guides only with your preferred Carriers
1. Inside the platform, in the lower left corner, go to the menu “Settings”
2. Click on “STAFF”
2. Click on the button “ADD STAFF”
2. Fill in the requested fields with the name and email of the person you are going to add to the staff account, also select the role and the access they will have. Finally, click on the button again “ADD STAFF” to save.
Note: The account can only have one owner at a time, and full access, including general settings and the addition of staff accounts, is only granted to the current account owner.
1. If the platform language appears in English and you want to change it to Spanish, in the lower left corner, go to the menu “Settings”
2. Within the configuration screen, click “GENERAL”
3. At the bottom you will find “STANDARDS & FORMATS” and on the right side go to “Language”, Change the language and click on the button “SAVE”
Recommendation: If your browser has Google Translate activated, it is advisable to deactivate it, since we have detected that the Spanish translation provided to the platform is not as accurate and causes various confusions among our users. To turn it off, locate the translator icon at the top right of your browser
You can turn off the option “Always translate the text into English” although this option will be disabled in all your browser windows
To avoid disabling the translator in the entire browser, click on the three dots and select the option “Never translate this site”
1. Inside the platform, in the lower left corner, go to the menu “Settings”
2. Within the configuration screen, click “LOCATIONS”
3. The location you provided when creating your account will appear by default. To add a new one click on the button “ADD LOCATION”
4. Fill out the form with the details of the new address, you can also set it as the default location for your shipments. Don't forget to click on the second button “ADD LOCATION” to save the changes
5. If you want to modify it just click on the address, edit it and save the changes, you can also delete it if you want
1. Inside the platform, in the lower left corner, go to the menu “Settings”
2. Within the configuration screen, click “TRACKING”
3. On the left side, a table appears to customize your tracking page, where you can add the name and logo of your store, the brand colors for the graphics and the text. On the right side, the preview appears where you can view the changes in the personalized one in real time. Don't forget to save the changes by clicking on the button “SAVE”