What is user experience (UX) design?
User experience design is concerned with how well a website works, but we're not talking about performance, it's a more subjective point:
How do users feel about the website?
How smooth is the flow of users across the site?
How easy is it for users to achieve their goals?
UX design is the human approach to web design. Because of this, UX designers rely heavily on research and testing to discover what their audience needs, what they value and what bothers them, and then design an ideal solution around them that covers all the needs found.
The ultimate goal is to create a website that the user finds usable, useful and valuable, feeling comfortable with what is inside it.
What is user interface (UI) design?
The design of the user interface is concerned with the aesthetics of the website, an important point considering that the design is the first impact for those who visit our website:
Do users find it attractive?
Are the interactive elements intuitive?
Does the design feel natural and elicit a positive response?
User interface design is the visual side of web design. The UI designer's job is to perfect even the smallest detail on a website: color palettes, font combinations, images, forms, menus, scroll-activated animations, buttons, and more.
UI designers rely on research and design trends, industry analysis, and web design principles to create an interface and interactions that users feel comfortable and safe to use. In addition, they must work together with the developers so that the ideas of both can be embodied on the website in a plausible, practical and coordinated way.
How does having good UX and UI designs help us?
Having a good design for our website will make users spend more time browsing it, but it also gives us creators tools to know how the user's perception works within our website, thus having enough information to direct the user's attention to those items that bring the most benefits to our pockets.
A good design will not only make your website attract attention but it will also increase your sales. Designing isn't just about adding beautiful colors and a good theme to your website. You have to do it with consent, carrying out prior research that takes into account your objectives and the user's reaction to your website.
Designers have become an essential part of the work team behind a good website. In the beginning, you could work without them and it wasn't crazy. Nowadays, the internet and competition have made their work indispensable and a differentiator between good websites and lots of websites.